In Action
Entrepreneurship. Creativity. Innovation. The Baker Institute inspires change-makers across the Lehigh University campus community to make a difference by creating solutions that have value. Explore all the ways the Baker Institute is inspiring action below...

"Discovering our inner why."

"This is a real life experience"

"I had my assumptions challenged."

"My methodic and disciplined mindset"

"One of my most memorable college experiences."

"The idea of an emotional 'dial'”

The Serendipity Factor

"Excitement for the future"

"A good leader was just a good person."

“VCs play roulette and entrepreneurs play poker.”

"Accept every part of my story"

"What is your why?"

"I want to make the world a better place."

"Truly been blown away"

"A leader who leads by care"

"I have the LehighSiliconValley program to thank."

"One common theme – great people"

“Every person has something to teach and something to learn.”

"A marathon, not a sprint"

"An opportunity of a lifetime"