In Action
Entrepreneurship. Creativity. Innovation. The Baker Institute inspires change-makers across the Lehigh University campus community to make a difference by creating solutions that have value. Explore all the ways the Baker Institute is inspiring action below...
EUREKA! Pitch Night March 2019
March News & Events
Student Spotlight: Nazr El-Scari '21
EUREKA! Pitch Night February '19
Baker In The News: "Baker Institute encourages student entrepreneurship through EUREKA!"
February News & Events
Diverse Ideas Come to Life at TEDxLehighRiver
Student Spotlight: Emma Kwasnoski '20
EUREKA! Pitch Night January '19
January News & Events
"LehighSiliconValley 2019 was a life changing experience for me."
"My mindset towards the future has changed."
"Eight Days"
"Am I an entrepreneur?"
"I should take all the advice given to me and run with it as fast and as focused as I possibly can."
"San Fran has drastically expanded my view of what the world can be."
"The most incredible, jam-packed window."
"Entrepreneurship is not limited to startups."
"If you find someone who is on the path to success, stick with them."
"LehighSiliconValley just helped me complete the ‘why’ puzzle of my life actions."