Hoa Bui '21 | Hanoi, Vietnam
Major | Computer Science and Business
Minor | Entrepreneurship
I am deeply grateful to visit one of the best workplaces in the world through LehighSiliconValley Program – LinkedIn. Not only did we get to hear about amazing and hard work that Lee Ann Hutter contributed to her UX/UI team at LinkedIn, but we were fortunate to have her invite us to enjoy cups of cappuccino at the LinkedIn lounge. I am sure that the baristas were very shocked to get a line of 60 people like us. We got the best hospitality from Ms.Hutter.
However, it was not the coffee offer that made me remember my experience in the program. Hutter’s talk was one of the most genuine and inspiring talks that I have ever listened too. I feel inspired by her leadership and courage to challenge the status quo and collaborate to make an impact. Listening to Hutter’s story, I realized the importance of teamwork and empathy. “I am a nice person, as you can tell. How could I be a leader?” I vividly remember her sharing with us her genuine thought, inspiring us to lead with emotion and kindness.
I look forward to, one day, reading a book about her sharing her experience working as a leader who leads by care, effort, and deep connection.