Dani Okun '21
Major | IDEAS
Nest | EdTech
Two weeks ago, I didn’t think of myself as an entrepreneur and I had very little idea of what to expect from this summer. However, a lot has changed in the last two weeks.
While I now have a much better understanding of what this summer will look like for us “peeps” in the Hatchery, I know that my current ideas and the perspective I have may still change drastically between now and the end of the program. Every day so far has been an incredible opportunity for growth and learning, both individually and within our teams.
Prior to Bootcamp, I would have told you that I was not an entrepreneur - that I didn’t have good ideas and even if I did, that I wouldn’t be able to execute on them. I’m not quite an entrepreneur now, either, but I’m learning. Earlier this week, my team members and I came up with 150 ideas (albeit some of them were purposely far-fetched), I’ve discovered tools available for me to use in order to execute on our ideas, and now we’re starting to prototype. This might all be a step in the right direction.
One of the things that has made me love this experience so far is that it is so hands on. I’m being pushed out of my comfort zone everyday and it has made me realize I’m capable of a lot more than I’d imagined. I am so grateful for this opportunity and incredibly excited to see where the summer takes me.