LehighSiliconValley includes 55 students across 4 topical tracks. Let's learn more about them!
Chrissy Gobes '19 | FinTech
Major | Finance
Minor | Entrepreneurship
For most of my life, I didn’t think I would venture far from New York, where my family was born and raised for generations and have mostly pursued conservative careers. I developed a passion for travel and learning about new cultures, technologies, and values. Since then, I have lived in Spain for a month and Italy for four months via study abroad programs. I hope to continue to travel around the world and experience diverse ways of thinking. As someone who has never ventured to the west coast, I’m excited to experience the innovative environment of Silicon Valley.
Noah Jalango '21 | Arts Entrepreneurship Major | Journalism
Getting a music making program as a gift was a major turning point in my life. I have always had a passion for listening to and creating music, and this program gave me a creative outlet for myself that I never thought I had. Now, in my free time, I am always creating new music and trying to collaborate with new artists. I’ve even started to create a brand for my music making persona and have designed personal merchandise for fun. I hope that LSV can help me learn how to turn a creative hobby into a functioning business.
Ana Madrigal '20 | Software Engineering
Major | IDEAS: Computer Science and Communications
Minor| Latin American and Latino Studies
Hispanic-American, artistic engineer, introverted extrovert, labels peeling away with each new piece of my identity that contradicts the last. The dichotomy within makes me who I am, neither this nor that but everything at once. If there is a lesson to be learned, a moment to be lived, a connection to be made, I approach it with everything I am, letting it change me for the better. I become what the world needs of me- someone designing the gap-closing bridge, building it from scratch, or guiding others over it when it’s done. My place will never be static.
Aaron Deditch '21 | Software Engineering
Major | Computer Engineering
Minor | Entrepreneurship
I taught myself BASIC for the C64 and TRS-80 PC2 in middle school. From there I began quickly learning about 6502 Assembly Language. Going into Freshman year of High School, I was teaching myself C++11 and x86 Assembly. I have explored many varied hobbies and interests, of course mainly Software Engineering, as well as varied artistic tools, model building, electronics soldering, and deeply exploring the histories of tech companies, Disney attractions, and computers. I passionately continue to learn of new concepts, libraries, and languages in order to glimpse the future of what software I might contribute in my professional career.